Saturday, 17 September 2011

Day 27!

What a day! I am exhausted! Went swimming with Mum this morning and had to explain I couldn't use the jacuzzi for risk of thrush infection and the sauna or steam room were out of bounds too as I should be treating my body as if it were pregnant even though it's not (I told her) and  she was fine with that. Didn't want to do a test before I went with her but made a collection of my first morning urine for later.

After lunch OH asked if I was going to do it or not. After alot of procrastinating and with jackets on ready to go out with our puppy we did the duty and very quickly saw one line appear in the control window on the test stick.  I gave up immediately and proclaimed it negative although he hung around as he needed to use the bathroom. Gradually a second very faint line started to appear, so much so we weren't quite sure whether it was positive or negative and when he called me back to have another look we decided to try one of the First Response tests. This came up with two line quite clearly and by the time this had developed the first one had also darkened. This picture doesn't show it up very clearly but the two lines are most definitely there and very clear now!

What an exciting walk we had after that. We are trying not to get carried away as I am not even at the four week stage yet though having dinner at Mum's tonight and telling her and Dad as well as my Sister and her fiance we could not get any more excited or carried away with ourselves! It's the best news ever! I can't wait until I get a scan and find out if it's one or multiple embryos which are developing. I am anxious about miscarrying but I am going to take extra care of myself and look positively at this as being a separate pregnancy from the first and there is nothing to say what happened before will happen again. I am so excited. I am welcoming the back pain I have and the slight discomfort in my nipples. I can't wait to get fat and all else that will come with the growing inside of me. I told my Sister I may not fit into my bridesmaid dress as the wedding is on 31st March 2012 and my dress is a size 8! She doesn't care what I wear, she is just so overjoyed although I have been warned not to give birth whilst she is on honeymoon!!

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