More brown discharge overnight and very slight cramping. Like wind pains. Felt really scared by it and phone Early Pregnancy Unit to ask if they would do HCG blood levels to check if the hormones are rising. They said it wasn't routine and to just sit tight until my scan. It's like no one understands how anxiety provoking this is. OH says I should be happy that treatment worked regardless of the outcome and that I need to stop worrying about things that haven't yet happened and so are not actual problems. I managed to calm down and spent the morning with my Mum who asked lots of questions about the pregnancy and how I was feeling. We spoke about the choice of hospital but couldn't come up with a conclusion. She wondered if the bleeding I was having was my body getting rid of an unfertilised follicle since there was more than one. Suppose it's possible. Seem to be getting tired more easily and enjoying lazy afternoons on the sofa. My breasts ache too!
On a completely different subject I managed to pick up £59.11 of shopping for 20p tonight!!! My only problem is fitting it all in my freezer! I arrived in Asda at precisely the right time for them marking down all the short dated stock to 10p and had vouchers which covered the cost. I got a large fresh chicken, chicken satays, duck spring rolls, chicken kung po, steak and vegetable pie, turkey for stir fry, lamb steaks and more which I cannot recall. I then went along to Morrisons who were also marking things down and I got some rottisserie chicken, rolls and coleslaw for free since I got a £5 voucher from my petrol spend. Every penny counts when there is a/are baby/ies on the way!!!
I am a 29 year old struggling with fertility problems. I have had an eating disorder for 21 years and have no natural menstrual cycle. I have had a horrific miscarriage and 5 unsuccessful cycles of ovulation induction with clomid. Join me on my journey through 6 cycles of superovulation and intrauterine insemination. The highs and the lows, I will chart them all here. We can get through this togetherx
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Day 31
No change on symptoms. Back still occasionally sore, tired and breasts are becoming very tender. Went to get the form to fill in to self refer to the midwives. It asks which hospital you want your baby to be born in. This is dilemma for me. There is a hospital near where my parents live, most convenient for us too. It has a designated neonatal unit. It is however where I had to go through two lots of surgery for the miscarriage I had last year and the experience I had puts me off giving birth there. It was very unorganised and made the situation much worse for me. On the day of my 13 week scan where we learned the baby no longer had a heartbeat the sonographer was foreign and could not properly translate what was happening. Instead all she could say was "Sorry" and ran off to get another member of staff to explain. Afterwards we were left in a room on the maternity ward for four hours before a Doctor came to speak with us. We then returned the following day to the same ward and had to sit for four further hours before the surgery took place. I bled for 15 weeks and yet noone from the Hospital believed there was anything wrong. They kept insisting I was having a period. I was rushed by ambulance to hospital when I haemmorhaged at home and yet they still thought it was a period. Since I didn't have cycles they decided I wouldn't know what that looked or felt like so they sent me home. Two weeks later I started to pass tissue. Only then did they realise something was very wrong and did emergency surgery to remove the remaining fetal material. A few days later I got a letter acknowledging a genetic screen which had been done on my "son". Thankfully the screen was clear however I wasn't expecting them to tell me my 12 week old embryo was male! I will talk this through with my Mum tomorrow see what she thinks.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Day 30
No more spotting. Back pain slightly better and stomach much more normal. Nipples tender and swollen. Abdomen seems distended, increased appetite and very tired. Hoping the lack of further spotting is a good sign although I am very cautious about getting excited and happy as I fear it will make it even more difficult if something were to go wrong. OH commented on how I was "a bag of hormones!" I said we should be glad of that, he replied "Of course I am." How sweet. Keep thinking how much of a perfect time it is to be pregnant being over Winter and having Christmas, a holiday and a wedding to fit in beforehand therefore hopefully time moving more quickly. I just pray all is well and I ge4t to grow a big fat tummy and have a child (or two) by this time next year.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Day 29
Spent all day phoning health professionals trying to get some clarity. Early Pregnancy Unit (EPAS) will do a scan at 6 weeks. Until then they can do nothing else. Infertility Unit say EPAS are the one to speak to. Saw GP who thought I was going mad (was a man!). Said he thought I was probably pregnant! Knew that already! Did another test. Didn't seem concerned about the spotting although part of me wonders if he was trying to stop me worrying? He did say some very useful things though like the viability of my pregnancy has already been decided so nothing I can do or not do now will change this so I am as well getting on with life and recognise that it can go either way. I miscarry or the pregnancy goes to term. I had only trace of pink earlier today when I wiped. Back and stomach still fell weird. Sore back and heavy tummy although after a long soak in the bath both felt much better. Now am exhausted and heading to bed for an early night.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Day 28
Back aching all day and nipples sore again. Really hungry and been eating biscuits all day! Got huge fright when went to toilet this afternoon and there was brown stain in my underwear. Phone out of hours NHS number and they gave me an appointment at the hospital. Had to get OH to come collect me early from work. I was so anxious I was sweating and felt dizzy. The Manager who was on call wasn't too happy at me leaving early although my direct line Manager called and told me not to hesitate. So much for not telling anyone - almost everyone must now! Oh wasn't too pleased at going either and ranted on the whole way about "how they won't be able to do anything." I knew he was right but how could I do nothing? Saw a Nurse who checked my temperature, blood pressure and that my urine was free from infection,. She took all the details and advised me if I become very sore or the bleeding worsens to phone back. Otherwise I will be seen in the Early Pregnancy Unit tomorrow. Had a very small amount more and googled "early pregnancy bleeding". Apparently bright red blood or severe cramping is more worrisome and the brown blood I have can be very normal. Still very worried and wish I knew more about how things are. So much has gone through my mind in the past few hours. Is this a period and I am not pregnant after all? Am I miscarrying again and never going to carry a baby to term? I am so anxious about it and need to know.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Day 27!
What a day! I am exhausted! Went swimming with Mum this morning and had to explain I couldn't use the jacuzzi for risk of thrush infection and the sauna or steam room were out of bounds too as I should be treating my body as if it were pregnant even though it's not (I told her) and she was fine with that. Didn't want to do a test before I went with her but made a collection of my first morning urine for later.
After lunch OH asked if I was going to do it or not. After alot of procrastinating and with jackets on ready to go out with our puppy we did the duty and very quickly saw one line appear in the control window on the test stick. I gave up immediately and proclaimed it negative although he hung around as he needed to use the bathroom. Gradually a second very faint line started to appear, so much so we weren't quite sure whether it was positive or negative and when he called me back to have another look we decided to try one of the First Response tests. This came up with two line quite clearly and by the time this had developed the first one had also darkened. This picture doesn't show it up very clearly but the two lines are most definitely there and very clear now!
What an exciting walk we had after that. We are trying not to get carried away as I am not even at the four week stage yet though having dinner at Mum's tonight and telling her and Dad as well as my Sister and her fiance we could not get any more excited or carried away with ourselves! It's the best news ever! I can't wait until I get a scan and find out if it's one or multiple embryos which are developing. I am anxious about miscarrying but I am going to take extra care of myself and look positively at this as being a separate pregnancy from the first and there is nothing to say what happened before will happen again. I am so excited. I am welcoming the back pain I have and the slight discomfort in my nipples. I can't wait to get fat and all else that will come with the growing inside of me. I told my Sister I may not fit into my bridesmaid dress as the wedding is on 31st March 2012 and my dress is a size 8! She doesn't care what I wear, she is just so overjoyed although I have been warned not to give birth whilst she is on honeymoon!!
After lunch OH asked if I was going to do it or not. After alot of procrastinating and with jackets on ready to go out with our puppy we did the duty and very quickly saw one line appear in the control window on the test stick. I gave up immediately and proclaimed it negative although he hung around as he needed to use the bathroom. Gradually a second very faint line started to appear, so much so we weren't quite sure whether it was positive or negative and when he called me back to have another look we decided to try one of the First Response tests. This came up with two line quite clearly and by the time this had developed the first one had also darkened. This picture doesn't show it up very clearly but the two lines are most definitely there and very clear now!
What an exciting walk we had after that. We are trying not to get carried away as I am not even at the four week stage yet though having dinner at Mum's tonight and telling her and Dad as well as my Sister and her fiance we could not get any more excited or carried away with ourselves! It's the best news ever! I can't wait until I get a scan and find out if it's one or multiple embryos which are developing. I am anxious about miscarrying but I am going to take extra care of myself and look positively at this as being a separate pregnancy from the first and there is nothing to say what happened before will happen again. I am so excited. I am welcoming the back pain I have and the slight discomfort in my nipples. I can't wait to get fat and all else that will come with the growing inside of me. I told my Sister I may not fit into my bridesmaid dress as the wedding is on 31st March 2012 and my dress is a size 8! She doesn't care what I wear, she is just so overjoyed although I have been warned not to give birth whilst she is on honeymoon!!
Friday, 16 September 2011
Day 26
Just waiting to bleed now and been expecting it throughout the day. Got some niggly backpain and a few twinges in my stomach tonight but nothing as yet down below. I really musn't get my hopes so high as I have this cycle as it's all downhill when the outcome isn't the ideal and statistically there is more chance of this than a positive result. had a patient at work tonight who is a methadone client who gave birth two weeks ago. I don't judge her or suggest she is a bad mother I just think the circumstances that child is growing up in are not the best. The child's Mother and Father are both methadone clients who mix with current drug users. Neither has a job, Both smoke cigarettes and neither have a permanent address.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Day 25
Would seem like most of the world have either recently had a baby or are pregnant. Spoke to alot of people from same company as I work for today who told me of other people I know who have had babies recently or who are pregnant. Also saw a girl and her sister I grew up with, both of whom have young babies and one of whom is expecting again. This just makes me ultra aware of my own situation and grief. OH says he worries I will never be happy and when I get what I want, i.e a baby, I'll just feel sad about something else. Nipples barely tender although still not quite normal in appearance. Back has been sore as if period is just about to come, so much so I had a pad on all day today. Tomorrow is the expected day of arrival of the bleed. Not a joyous moment.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Day 24
Nipples feel back to normal and I feel even sadder. OH says I "cannot be pleased" as I should be glad we have come this far without a bleed meaning treatment has the potential to work. He also says we cannot give up hope this cycle but I already have. I feel miserable and resentful of all these lucky women with babies on the way or those who are Mums already. At work today some wacky colleague (who I don't normally work with and won't work with again) spoke of how she had been sick last night and this led her into thinking today she may be pregnant. She proceeded to do a pregnancy test then came out declaring she was happily "fetus free!" This felt like trivialising the whole getting pregnant scenario and for me today was not a good day for that to happen.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Day 23
Today my mood plummeted. Really low and cried so hard this morning I thought I would need to call in sick to work. Managed to get there via GP surgery who cannot see me until October but then why was I there anyway? What do I say is wrong? Maybe, I am desperate to have a child and four week cycles are too long for to wait for an outcome and it's too hard when it's a negative at the end, even though I cannot be sure it is a negative? OH says I am acting crazy which I think I agree with. I feel like I am possessed with something which is torturing my head. It is so painful to want a child so badly, to struggle to conceive and for it to be so out of your control. I still feel symptomatic but lesser so I would say. This is what set me off this morning as my nipples felt back to normal. They have burned a little throughout the day and my back still hurts but I feel like I am giving up on the possibility of being pregnant. One of my friends text me today to tell me she has just had a miscarriage. This will be her second one in a year. It was twins this time. She has a daughter already. I don't know how I would manage to go on if this happened to me again. I cannot bear to think of the prospect.
Have been meaning to link to an article I helped create by the BBC. I am of course, name changed, Jane from Glasgow.
Have been meaning to link to an article I helped create by the BBC. I am of course, name changed, Jane from Glasgow.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Day 22
Still feel down but trying to get on with it and not dwell, as if that's even possible. Been so wanting to do a test today and almost gave in but there is no point because a negative I would blame on being too early to test and a positive I would blame the Ovitrelle injection for. Felt sweaty overnight which was the reason I tested before however again it could be the Ovitrelle. I won a competition and received two packets of First Response Ovualtion test kits in the post today. Might be useful as next cycle is inconveniently interrupted by the September bank holiday. A nice blogger sent them on to me.
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Day 21
Feel so disappointed and sad today having decided the outcome will be negative. Having gotten this far without bleeding I should be glad that there is a chance this treatment could work as opposed to the clomid where I bled very early. Work was difficult where my first customer was very pregnant. Then there was the 8 week old constipated baby, the 6 week old congested baby, the 2 week old constipated baby and the 4 week old dry skin baby. Then there was the "super fertile" couple looking for the morning after pill because there are "so fertile we just keep getting pregnant". They went on and on about it as if it was a terrible thing to be as lucky as they had been in conception. I felt like telling them how offensive they were being but held my breath and reassured myself they know not of my situation, even though it got me paranoid someone was out to get me. Still hyper aware of my body. Back was incredibly sore this morning, then improved, only to worsen again later on. Nipples have been intermittently burning. Someone was telling me how acupuncture has helped pains in their feet. I have heard of people getting acupuncture for infertility issues. I might look into this.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Day 20
I am now realising that my symptoms are more than likely related to the ovitrelle injection still being in my system. Since HCG is the pregnancy hormone and is the active ingredient it is reasonable to expect the symptoms I am experiencing as side effects. It so much plays with your head though. Today I am in the head frame that I am not pregnant and will have to undergo numerous unsuccessful cycles of IUI and eventually IVF. I am already worried about the next IUI cycle potentially having to be adandoned and how I will cope being on another waiting list for IVF or alternatively how I will convince OH to go private. I need to bring myself back into the here and now. Enjoy the present moment. Nothing can be solved through worrying and in face in could be detrimental to my progress.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Day 19
Time is moving so slowly. Wish there was some way to know either way as I feel with each day my hopes are being raised. My nipples are on fire today. The worst yet and it reminds me of being pregnant before. I am very moist in the lady parts and needed more paracetamol for my back. I cannot help but hope this persists!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Day 18
So consumed with thoughts of whether this cycle has worked or not. Cannot stop my brain from fast forwarding onto telling people, getting a baby bump and even baby names! Still feel lousy. Sore back necessitated paracetamol and this eased the pain. Had a bath too which was lovely. Only 8 days to go before period would be expected, if I don't bleed before then that is!
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Day 17
Been feeling lousy all day. Sore back, head and nipples. Been really hungry. Had palpitations tonight as well and been feeling really hot at times and really cold at others. It's hard to not obsess over whether one is to become pregnant this month when one already feels six months gone! Hoping and praying for a good result. Even if my body can hold out for the required length of time before bleeding at least we will know this treatment has a shot at working. Can't stop imagining telling OH and parents that I am pregnant. My mind starts playing tricks and has me planing what I will wear, do, eat and prepare when it finally happens. Went to the cinema again tonight. Took my mind off it for a bit. Working extra over next couple of days too so this will keep me occupied though when I am there I feel like I need to keep visiting the toilet to check I am not bleeding. So a young pregnant girl today who already has a baby. She was smoking whilst shouting a swear work in the direction of a guy across the street. It just doesn't seem fair.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Day 16
Work was a good distraction today although mind still fully focused on my current situation! Nipples still like bullets and burning although this fluctuates in intensity. OH been asking alot about when I go back to clinic. What it means if I bleed early, what it means if I don't. He also asked alot about how much higher the risk is of multiple birth pregnancies with this treatment. Tried to explain how I understand it but think he is shocked at my telling him I would be overjoyed with twins rather than worried sick as he seems to imagine himself being!!
Monday, 5 September 2011
Day 15
Had my post IUI scan today and it looks like I ovulated over the weekend although there is still a lingering follicle, apparently that can be fairly common after an HCG injection. Nipples were less sore this morning which put me in a major depressed mode, convincing me that my hormone levels were plummeting and I would be bleeding too soon. I have become obsessed and cannot stop thinking about it. I have convinced myself this is never going to work and I am devastated already. Feeling slightly more optimistic since the sore nipples are back again this evening but still anxious. It seems as though everywhere I go all I see is pregnant women, babies and pregnant women with babies. It would be nice to just hide from the world for a couple of weeks or at least until I became pregnant, if that will ever be possible. My best friend moved to Australia last year. I could do with a girly chat right now. I miss her lots.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Day 14
I'd love to just switch all hits off, all the thoughts of babies and pregnancy and then maybe the next two weeks might go in quicker than they are now. The days seem extra long and everything is reminding me. A colleague was telling me about her Daughter in law who has just found out she is pregnant having been on clomid. All the happy ending stories make me feel more hopeless as if it will never be me. I felt sad although happy for her. My nipples still ache and feel quite sluggish today.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Day 13
Sore nipples arrived yesterday evening and some cramping this am. Did a baby dance before bed to increase chances as I read someplace online washed sperm do not live as long as unwashed! Oh suggested some more this morning but going to hold off until later this afternoon or tonight. Have booked cinema tickets for tonight as I need a distraction away from thinking about babies and pregnancy and will it work or won't it work. Just read that Ovitrelle (the final injection I had) can give a false positive result on a pregnancy test for up to 10 days after administration.
Friday, 2 September 2011
Day 12
It's strange but until now in treatment alot of the things I presume to go ahead without a problem have been the things to cause problems. Like when I was on clomid and looked like I ovulated, I definitely didn't expect to bleed two days afterwards or when I knew I was within the BMI range for treatment but the Unit argued against it. After giving myself the final injection yesterday another situation like this occurred and made me panic. I developed a large lump and redness around the injection site. After time it lessened and is now bruised so looks like I have just tweaked a vein.
Today was insemination day. I was nervous and excited. My OH worried his sample was not an adequate volume, I worried the would spill it. All appeared to go well. Not at all a pleasant experience. It's like a large set of bbq tongs being forced inside you and opened then some sort of fluid squirted in. Then the tongs need to be pulled out. I worried too that some of the fluid dripped out but I think that is to be expected. Now its all I can think about. Will it work or won't it. I wonder as well if having more than one follicle means an increased success rate or if its a case of it will work or won't regardless of how many follicles.
In the clinic there are photographs on the wall of babies born following treatment. I couldn't help but notice the few photographs with three babies! It's going to be a long two week wait although maybe I will bleed before then as with clomid. I sure hope not as who knows where we will go from there.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Day 11
Been fretting since yesterday as was sure I was ovulating or approaching ovulation yesterday. Copious cervical mucus of the "friendly" type and a small brown stain on my underwear. Husband and I considered taking matters into our own hands so to speak... as insemination would be too late if this was the case. We agonised over it, me for hours, until we decided since we did not know how many, if any, follicles were present. It would also affect the semen collection if it was to be done on Friday. So, although I was climbing the walls in frustration at the potential of being fertile with no sperm there we did the sensible thing.
Had my scan this morning and relief to find that it looks as though I have not yet ovulated but could do at any moment. Three follicles at 1.6mm, 1.7mm and 1.97mm. The uterus lining is also nice and thick. What a difference from taking the clomid. It was explained we face a risk of a triplet pregnancy and I was asked if I was sure I wanted to proceed. Triplets would not be ideal but the thought of any possibility of pregnancy and I cannot refuse.
Gave myself the final injection at noon. It is important to get the timing right so insemination will be tomorrow at 12.30pm. Immediately after the injection there was a swelling and rash appeared at the injection site. I panicked although now its improved I am less troubled.
Worried that OH (other half) might be apprehensive about the three follicles but so far he hasn't uttered concern. I did tell him whilst he is at work in a room full of people so maybe we will be having that discussion later?
It's rather ironic that before going to the clinic this morning I dropped my puppy off at the vet's to be spayed. She has a full hysterectomy. The world is a funny place sometimes.
Had my scan this morning and relief to find that it looks as though I have not yet ovulated but could do at any moment. Three follicles at 1.6mm, 1.7mm and 1.97mm. The uterus lining is also nice and thick. What a difference from taking the clomid. It was explained we face a risk of a triplet pregnancy and I was asked if I was sure I wanted to proceed. Triplets would not be ideal but the thought of any possibility of pregnancy and I cannot refuse.
Gave myself the final injection at noon. It is important to get the timing right so insemination will be tomorrow at 12.30pm. Immediately after the injection there was a swelling and rash appeared at the injection site. I panicked although now its improved I am less troubled.
Worried that OH (other half) might be apprehensive about the three follicles but so far he hasn't uttered concern. I did tell him whilst he is at work in a room full of people so maybe we will be having that discussion later?
It's rather ironic that before going to the clinic this morning I dropped my puppy off at the vet's to be spayed. She has a full hysterectomy. The world is a funny place sometimes.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Day 10
Today I have felt as if I am on my period but of course am not. Had niggling back pain and heavy stomach. Had lots of stringy clear discharge too. This combination is making me wonder if I am ovulating today and so am worried we will have missed our opportunity as their is an abstinence period of 3 days before insemination which would be expected on Friday or Monday. I phoned the clinic with my anxieties and they said it was unlikely to ovulate this early but not impossible and when have I ever followed expected protocol? Trying not to worry or even think about it because until tomorrow nothing can be concluded. I need to get my head around the reality that this cycle is unlikely to result in pregnancy. Rather it will give a guide as to how the next cycles should be managed and what dose of medication I will need.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Day 9
Felt so sick this morning had I not been taking this medication I might have thought I was pregnant! However, my reality was going for another injection. I demonstrated I could inject myself and am saying prayers that my body is responding. Thursday is the big day, scan day, when all will be revealed.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Day 8
Not much to record today except a feeling of wondering if anything is happening inside me. There was no formation of follicles or thickening of my uterus with the lowest dose of oral treatment and I am thus anxious I may not respond to the lowest dose of this form of treatment. I am anxious I may not respond at all. On the other had I do have hope. I will always have hope. I am too determined to give in.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Day 7
Dreading the second injection today in memory of the pain on day 5. I have to go to a different hospital for this injection as the Infertility Unit is closed on weekends. I go to Wishaw General today, it's where I had my scans last year when I miscarried and it reminds me of that terrible experience. I drag my Husband along as a distraction. We had to wait for what seems like ages and he is restless. It wasn't so sore as last time, or maybe because I was expecting pain my head had exaggerated the previous experience? We then visited each of our parents in turn. My Mother in Law had old photographs out and I feel a lump in my throat as I see pictures of my Husband as a young boy because I think of my son looking just like him. All of my Husbands families offspring have been male and he assures me we will be no different. Our miscarried child was a boy. I also feel a lump in my throat as in the pictures where he is around 5 his Mum and Dad look older than most other parents and I see me getting to that age and still childless. It's tough having a life marked out for it not to happen as one would like. I remember a Counsellor I saw last year telling me that anxiety surrounding how long it will take to fall pregnant is a waste of time and energy because when I fall pregnant I will be so happy, and even moreso when I have the baby, that whatever year and date, or age I am, will be insignificant. I know she was right it's just a painful wait for it to happen. Every cycle is like a rollercoaster. I remember this from taking clomid before and feel it already, I imagine how I feel if I respond to this treatment, how I will feel if I don't. I imagine the dose of drugs being too low or too high and the frustration with how long the process takes. I already have optimistic moments and similarly pessimistic ones too. I know that before I can stop myself I have the birth date calculated at the beginning of each cycle as well as when and how I will tell my Husband and close family the good news. I want this so desperately and so urgently and wish there was some way to take control of the situation instead of sitting back waiting to find out if my body is performing as we desire.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Day 5 & Day 6
We went away for an overnight stay, OH, me and doggy. I had to go to the clinic before leaving yesterday for my first injection. I still felt emotional after my sightings of several babies, pregnant women and pregnant women with babies! The injection is really straightforward and after demonstrating I can inject myself I will be able to do them at home. It was really uncomfortable though and took what felt like ages to be injected in. Felt woozy afterwards and had to stay seated for at least 5 minutes. Dreading the next instalment already.
Being away is a good distraction. We walked for miles in the wilderness and enjoyed each others company. The dog just loved the open hills and is now exhausted. My mood has crashed since getting home though. It's a reality check coming back home and realising where I am at. I took the dog out to do her business just now and passed by a young girl (or so she looked) with a bulging tummy. It'snot that I know anything about this girl and can say that her baby will grow up less fortunate than any child of mine would but it's like a minx is inside my head lashing out, screaming, kicking and announcing how unfair it all seems.
At one point today I remember smiling and feeling pleased with myself. What the incident was I cannot recall but it made me think of when I was pregnant and I walked around all the time grinning and it most certainly was about being pleased with myself and of course the situation. Just another example of how everyday life becomes connected to the desperation of having a child when this desperation is so extreme.
Being away is a good distraction. We walked for miles in the wilderness and enjoyed each others company. The dog just loved the open hills and is now exhausted. My mood has crashed since getting home though. It's a reality check coming back home and realising where I am at. I took the dog out to do her business just now and passed by a young girl (or so she looked) with a bulging tummy. It'snot that I know anything about this girl and can say that her baby will grow up less fortunate than any child of mine would but it's like a minx is inside my head lashing out, screaming, kicking and announcing how unfair it all seems.
At one point today I remember smiling and feeling pleased with myself. What the incident was I cannot recall but it made me think of when I was pregnant and I walked around all the time grinning and it most certainly was about being pleased with myself and of course the situation. Just another example of how everyday life becomes connected to the desperation of having a child when this desperation is so extreme.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Day 4
Today I am very aware of pregnant women, babies and pregnant women with babies! I have felt sad and upset that I don't have a baby to push around in a pram or coo at and see looking up at me. It all started with the front page of the newspaper showing a smiling Amanda Holden who announced she was pregnant again after miscarrying at 7 months only 6 months ago. I don't feel jealous or nasty towards her, I just feel my pain more. Since I miscarried all I have hoped for is to become pregnant again. Deadlines came and past and here I am still without even a possibility of a positive test. If only it was as easy for me to conceive. Women take so much for granted and how frustrating when it doesn't happen as nature intended. Next thing to set me off was a multitude of pregnant women, babies and pregnant women with babies at Glasgow Fort. Almost every woman who passed me was expecting, pushing a pram or both! I passed two sets of twins and a set of triplets. Finally I rubbed all my misery in by going into Mamas and Papas and spending the £5 gift voucher they emailed me congratulating me on my Baby's First Birthday, even though I unsubscribed to their page one week after I miscarried. What I planned to be an in and out visit didn't quite go to plan. I picked up newborn socks and made my way to pay though because they had a 20% off special offer the till wouldn't accept my voucher and my total now came below £5. I then had to look around for something else. I picked up a set of 3 bibs and they are now under my spare bed in the baby drawer. I suppose it's all these small things that build up and make me feel like I could explode with frustration at any given moment. They make me want to shout and scream about how unfair it is that I may never be a Mummy. They make me want to blame someone (mostly myself) and make me cry really hard. I don't know why all of a sudden these feelings came to me . I never wanted children before and when that seedling of hope took over me it consumed me and now it's all that I can ever imagine will make my life worthwhile. Until then everything seems to be unfulfilling. I feel like my life is put on hold until I become pregnant. Like nothing can be happy or fun or relaxed until. Life isnt' on hold though. Days, weeks, months and years have gone by and I've yet to find my happiness.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Day 3
When you are trying to have a baby and having problems it becomes an obsession an something you think about all the time. My world revolves around it and insignificant events lead me to thinking about it and how it will be when I have a child of my own. I took my puppy out for a long walk today around a loch with a paved walkway. It came into my head that this would be an excellent place to walk the dog whilst pushing a pram. I also made plans to meet a cousin I've not seen for years. He has always been protective of me and I wondered how he would be when I became pregnant and how I knew he would be around more when my baby was born. I now feel tearful as all this is still a dream and not my reality.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Day 2
Feeling all upside down today. My insides are aching and the bleeding is very heavy now. Woke in the night sweating and been to the toilet so many times I am beginning to wonder why I don't just stay there. Reminds me of being pregnant which reminds me had my baby been born he would have been a year this week.
Had a customer today who was experiencing residual effects of a miscarriage. It's her third. She seemed unaffected by it yet I was crying inside for her and felt myself well up afterwards at a few insignificant instances. My loss is still so raw. Even after almost 18 months coming to terms with the miscarriage seems impossible to me. I still imagine how I dreamed my life would have become and long to be pushing a pram along the street showing off my bundle of joy. I cannot even imagine what another miscarriage would do to me. It's unbearable to think of and it scares me to consider it being a possibility. I am 29 now. I don't want time to move any further ahead without having children. Another miscarriage would set me back even further. Here I am though worrying about miscarriage when I don't even know if I will become pregnant again. The emotional pain surrounding all of my fertility issues is overwhelming. I think a good cry might help?
Had a customer today who was experiencing residual effects of a miscarriage. It's her third. She seemed unaffected by it yet I was crying inside for her and felt myself well up afterwards at a few insignificant instances. My loss is still so raw. Even after almost 18 months coming to terms with the miscarriage seems impossible to me. I still imagine how I dreamed my life would have become and long to be pushing a pram along the street showing off my bundle of joy. I cannot even imagine what another miscarriage would do to me. It's unbearable to think of and it scares me to consider it being a possibility. I am 29 now. I don't want time to move any further ahead without having children. Another miscarriage would set me back even further. Here I am though worrying about miscarriage when I don't even know if I will become pregnant again. The emotional pain surrounding all of my fertility issues is overwhelming. I think a good cry might help?
Monday, 22 August 2011
Work made me sad
Had to work tonight and as part of our job we need to keep our knowledge up to date. I had some files left for me to read. Today of all days I am given "Baby, Confidence in no time!" to read through. Tells me about how much an expectant couple needs to buy for their baby. What type of nappies, milks and travel systems are available, how to sterilise a bottle and all about Bounty packs. I feel quite sad now I am not yet buying these things. I also noticed tonight how cute the baby on the Calpol products is.
Day 1
So today is the day. Day 1. Very light bleeding today although suppose with a uterus lining of 3.8 how much can I expect? Had to make my appointments today for day 5, 7, 9 and 11. Just my luck day 5 falls on the day we are setting off on what should have been a long weekend away and day 7 the day we should have been returning much later than we will be now. Day 9 falls on the only day next week I have to work and heavens, day 11 I have a free diary page so really is the only convenient day for arranging anything. Had to phone the administration office to inform them of my need to be excused early due to a hospital appointment. I'd be annoyed at any of my employees asking for time off on the only day of the week they are working. Treatment is so strict that the cycle days have to be exact so don't feel at all guilty but I can only imagine what they must be thinking.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Day -1
At work (in a busy Pharmacy) we have a nappy disposal unit on clearance at £5. Should be £30. I take it to my counter to read the details. Will we use it? Will I jinx things? On careful inspection it seems it might be difficult to get the refills to fit this particular model so I decide against buying it. Not even started the first cycle and my head has me having my baby.
Longing for the first signs of a bleed. Have a sore back, most likely due to bending down so much cleaning a low counter, and a sore stomach, most likely due to a high fibre lunch. Want to bleed today so my visits to the clinic don't coincide with work. Only 5 hours more before any bleed would be considered tomorrow as day 1:-(
Longing for the first signs of a bleed. Have a sore back, most likely due to bending down so much cleaning a low counter, and a sore stomach, most likely due to a high fibre lunch. Want to bleed today so my visits to the clinic don't coincide with work. Only 5 hours more before any bleed would be considered tomorrow as day 1:-(
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Day -2
As a retrospective first post I remember how my heart filled with joy at the sound of my husband mentioning the word "baby". He didn't even say "baby" though, he said "babies". It's been such an uphill slope for both of us we barely even mention the desired outcome of our struggle toward parenthood. Neither of us could have imagined how traumatic an experience this would be, emotionally, physically, socially and potentially financially if we fail to conceive on the NHS system. But tonight he mentioned it. He said "babies" and inside my world is smiling at him. Loving him. Appreciating how even though he talks so little about it (and I want to talk about it all the time) he is still thinking about it. He will make a great Daddy. He plays with our puppy like he has four legs and a tail himself and was tonight talking about how we are going to budget buying a bigger property so that we have enough money to give our "babies" a great life. he's the bestx
How did we get here? I have wanted to be a Mummy since I started to leave the habits of the eating disorder which has taken away so much of my life. I was hospitalised for over a year and came home needing to become a new person and feeling emotions I had suppressed for so many years by overexercising or restricting calories. I could laugh and cry again. I felt anger, fear, happiness, excitement. I had hopes, regrets, fears, ambitions. Most of all though I had a space where I kept the anorexia I had been host to for so long. I had time I used to spend exercising too hard and I had longing for a better life for me and for my husband. I felt love like I had never experienced before and craved for love in return. I had shut people off in the past as they were a threat to my destructive behaviours. Being apart from my family and husband for over a year built up a hunger for that love to fill all the voids that had been created in my life by my turning away from anorexia. I wanted a baby. A tiny baby I could grow inside me, nurture and love. A baby I could look after and share with my husband. A baby which would show how much we loved each other that we could create this miracle. For me it would be a miracle because despite reaching a health weight I never developed a menstrual cycle. But the miracle happened and I found out I was pregnant on hogmanay 2009. I was so proud of myself and those 6 weeks were the happiest of our lives. We picked names and spent hours reading books on how big our baby was and which part was developing as we read. Our dreams were shattered when a 13 week scan failed to pick up a heartbeat and we were told our baby had died one week earlier. I was operated on twice afterwards as the first surgery failed to remove all the tissue and complications afterwards left me bleeding for 5 months. Since then we have been referred to an infertility clinic and undergone 5 cycles of clomid treatment which I have failed to respond to. Each cycle consisted of hopes being built up, and bubbles burst after only a few days when a period would arrive too early for treatment to ever have been successful. We've had to wait 7 months on a waiting list and a few long weeks to get as far as we are now. We've had to take sperm sample for analysis and I had to have a scan. None of this has gone smoothly, convincing me the whole process will be just as much of a disaster as last time but I need to have hope. Desperation keeps me fighting. On the morning of the first sperm collection we missed the pot and had to make another appointment for a week later. My husband criticises the size of the pots they provide and believes his manhood must be wider than average given the struggle collection is!!! Next time we were especially careful and succeeded commendably. Only to make our way to the car to find the keys had been left in the ignition overnight and thus the battery was flat. After a quick visit from the RAC the little swimmers finally got to their destination. On the next appointment my BMI came out too low for treatment. This was devastating, especially when I realised that the height the nurse was using in the calculation was wrong and in face my BMI was above the threshold of 19 and this panic was unnecessary. After a tense session with this behind us I was given provera to stimulate a period so I can begin treatment. I've had a miracle before, is it selfish to ask for a second? They go on about Baby dust on sites such as Mumsnet. Such silly talk deters me from using those forums. I am pondering having a quick peep though to see where to buy some, it can't do any harm can it.....
How did we get here? I have wanted to be a Mummy since I started to leave the habits of the eating disorder which has taken away so much of my life. I was hospitalised for over a year and came home needing to become a new person and feeling emotions I had suppressed for so many years by overexercising or restricting calories. I could laugh and cry again. I felt anger, fear, happiness, excitement. I had hopes, regrets, fears, ambitions. Most of all though I had a space where I kept the anorexia I had been host to for so long. I had time I used to spend exercising too hard and I had longing for a better life for me and for my husband. I felt love like I had never experienced before and craved for love in return. I had shut people off in the past as they were a threat to my destructive behaviours. Being apart from my family and husband for over a year built up a hunger for that love to fill all the voids that had been created in my life by my turning away from anorexia. I wanted a baby. A tiny baby I could grow inside me, nurture and love. A baby I could look after and share with my husband. A baby which would show how much we loved each other that we could create this miracle. For me it would be a miracle because despite reaching a health weight I never developed a menstrual cycle. But the miracle happened and I found out I was pregnant on hogmanay 2009. I was so proud of myself and those 6 weeks were the happiest of our lives. We picked names and spent hours reading books on how big our baby was and which part was developing as we read. Our dreams were shattered when a 13 week scan failed to pick up a heartbeat and we were told our baby had died one week earlier. I was operated on twice afterwards as the first surgery failed to remove all the tissue and complications afterwards left me bleeding for 5 months. Since then we have been referred to an infertility clinic and undergone 5 cycles of clomid treatment which I have failed to respond to. Each cycle consisted of hopes being built up, and bubbles burst after only a few days when a period would arrive too early for treatment to ever have been successful. We've had to wait 7 months on a waiting list and a few long weeks to get as far as we are now. We've had to take sperm sample for analysis and I had to have a scan. None of this has gone smoothly, convincing me the whole process will be just as much of a disaster as last time but I need to have hope. Desperation keeps me fighting. On the morning of the first sperm collection we missed the pot and had to make another appointment for a week later. My husband criticises the size of the pots they provide and believes his manhood must be wider than average given the struggle collection is!!! Next time we were especially careful and succeeded commendably. Only to make our way to the car to find the keys had been left in the ignition overnight and thus the battery was flat. After a quick visit from the RAC the little swimmers finally got to their destination. On the next appointment my BMI came out too low for treatment. This was devastating, especially when I realised that the height the nurse was using in the calculation was wrong and in face my BMI was above the threshold of 19 and this panic was unnecessary. After a tense session with this behind us I was given provera to stimulate a period so I can begin treatment. I've had a miracle before, is it selfish to ask for a second? They go on about Baby dust on sites such as Mumsnet. Such silly talk deters me from using those forums. I am pondering having a quick peep though to see where to buy some, it can't do any harm can it.....
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